new meaning of color
FUKE first world exhibition tour will be begun as a solo exhibition in France in October 7th 2014.
Title is Heavenly feeling “Sentiment Céleste”. Opening day is overlapping with my birthday. I will visit Villeneuve sur Lot in south France then.
I want to ask you a little favor. If you like, please send a color card of your like, to this gallery, address here.
Galerie de Gajac
19 rue de Penne, 47300, Villeneuve sur Lot, France
If you send it. I will use it as a part of the art show there. When I get it, it will be great pleasure for me.
The theme HEAVENLY has the meaning of “hearts are connected beyond the sky and place”.
I want to tie many hearts on FUKE exhibition through the minds of the people who come to see, avd who gave supports by cards from around the world.
Please join this idea of connecting the world with tender hearts. Later, I will show you the photos of your card on the exhibition as a thank from me. I will use photos of your cards as a part of a card of invitation of next FUKE exhibiiton. This means FUKE world exhibition tour. The tour is also connected, never sapareted.
If you can visit the gallery, I will be very glad too. If you can come, you can see the card you sent to the gallery with my art works on the main wall of the gallery. It will be a new type exhibit which have a main purpose to connect the world by art. I wish I can amuse and amaze the people.
Please tell me. when you will visit.
About the card which I ask you to send to the gallery. It is not matter, it in an envelope, or a card with the stamp on it, any type is welcome. The matter is your smile and warm heart are included in the card itself. The card is your heart.
When I see your card on my hand, I will be able to remind of your smile all the time. The cards can carry and gather warm hearts. The guests of the gallery will see the many cards with many warm hearts. The hearts in the card never disappear. The heart will remain more long, if my art project will be collected to a Museum someday.
To send a card to the gallery, sooner is better. Please send it next week. Until the few days before the opening day. I will exhibit your card with many of my friend's cards on the wall.
Best regards FUKE
展覧会タイトルは、「天国感 Sentiment Céleste」。オープニングの10月7日は、私の誕生日と重ねてあります。
画廊の名前と住所です。 Galerie de Gajac
19 rue de Penne, 47300 Villeneuve sur Lot, France
ギャラリーに送っていただくカードについては、どのようなタイプでも絵柄でも大歓迎です。暖かい心がカード自体に含まれているだけで結構です。 送っていただいたカードを手に取った時に、私はいつでもお送りいただいたときの笑顔を思い出すことができます。カードは心をを運び、また、画廊の壁面の一つの場所に温かい心を集めてお見せすることができます。ギャラリーのお客様たちが多くの暖かい心を持つカードを見て、また笑顔になってくれることを望みます。そうなったとき、アートの持つ良い力をお伝えすることができると思います。 カードが運んだ心は、カードとともにずっと残ります。いつかこのFUKEプロジェクトが、もしどこかの美術館に所蔵されたら、より永く残ることになります。この、FUKE世界個展ツアーのプロジェクトはあっちこっちの国で、少しずつ進化しながら、しばらく続きます。是非、私の作品と一緒に展示された皆様のカードを見に、いつか、どこかの画廊に来てください。